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Thursday, 19 December 2013

A Big Thank You!

To all the families of the Year One Neighbourhood,

We would like to sincerely thank you all for your contributions, kindness and effort this year. We have simply had a wonderful year but we could not have made it so special without you. You have helped us create a learning community that extends outside the school and allows all of the children to see how much they can really have an impact on the world. Teaching and learning with this neighbourhood of children has been an absolute pleasure and an unforgettable experience.

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday as well as all the very best for the future.

 Congratulations Year 1 Neighbourhood!


Dear Families,
As the year draws to an end we just wanted to remind all families that there will be a final assembly in the gym tomorrow at 1:30pm.  We will farewell our Year 6 graduands and also a number of other children and their families who are leaving the Princes Hill Community.

Assembly will conclude at 2:00pm and the children will be dismissed for the year.

The final Talking Point will be sent tomorrow so keep an eye out for it.  It will have the 2014 start dates, together with notification that there is a Curriculum Day (Student free day) on Tuesday 24th February.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Whole School Picnic Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the whole school picnic is on tomorrow. At 11:15am we will all be walking to Princes Park where we will picnic, mingle and play until 2:30pm. It is a great chance for children and parents to gather together and celebrate the year we have had. Parents are welcome to bring food to share as well.

We suggest children are reminded to bring hats, wear sunscreen and bring a drink bottle to school. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Dear Parents/Carers,
As Teresa has put together a very special book which tells the story of our Toy Project, we will have to put in the order tomorrow so that the books can be made in time. The cost is $10 and we ask that you bring this in tomorrow and give it to one of your neighbourhood teachers. It is a great way to remember what the neighbourhood has achieved so we would hate people to miss out.

Thank you,

The Year One Team

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Dear Parents/Carers

The Whole School Transition program for 2014 commenced today with a visit by all children to acquaint themselves with their 2014 neighbourhood spaces.

Tomorrow and Monday, the children will be moving to their 2014 Neighbourhood spaces at 2:30pm and will be dismissed from that new neighbourhood at the following meeting points.

                Year 1 – The front door on Pigdon Street
                Year 2 – The Library (which is now the Year 2 Learning Neighbourhood)

                Year 3/4 – Neighbourhood 1 on the oval side nearest the Gym … Neighbourhood 2 – on the oval side, half way down the building

                Year 5/6 – from the 5/6 Gallery at the end of the Admin building

The teachers for 2014 are:
                Prep – Jessica Birchall, Maddy Yardy, Hilary Green and Elizabeth Higham

                Year 1 – Rita Jokubaitis, Simone Kently and Luisa Zanin

                Year 2 – Kevin Siemonek, Sia Vadiakas and Elizabeth O’Leary

                Year 3/4 Nieghboourhood 1 – Tomohiko Harada, Nic Carman, Mary Guebala/Janette Allen

                Year 3/4 Neighbourhood 2 – Keith McNeill and Alexandra Hilvert

                Year 5/6 – Tim Aris, Meredith Flanner, Robert Vandahl, Kate Braun & Natasha Bates

Your child’s home group teacher will be attached to their report to be sent home on Monday.

Please make yourself known to the teachers in your child’s 2014 Neighbourhood when you pick up your child tomorrow or Monday. (Please note, some of the new staff may not be available for one/both of these dates)

Thank you

Rita Jokubaitis
Transitions and Pathways

Monday, 9 December 2013

Wednesday Pick Up

Dear Parents,

There are a few transition sessions that will be happening over the next week in order for students to get to know their new neighbourhoods for 2014. This Wednesday the year ones will finish the day in the year 2 neighbourhood (the old library) from 2.30 pm to 3:30pm. This will mean you will collect your children from the mini oval near the old year one meeting area at the end of that day.

Year One Assembly Tomorrow

Dear parents/ guardians,
Just a reminder that the year one neighbourhood has their assembly presentation tomorrow 9am - 9:30am in the gym and also their celebration in their neighbourhood from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. It will be an amazing time to view all the toys and see what we have achieved as a community.  You are welcome to also bring a healthy snack if you can.We look forward to seeing you all there!

The Year One Neighbourhood

Thursday, 5 December 2013

NOTICE: Play mats

As we have some parents generously putting together a professional book and photos of our toy project, we realized we really need to get photos of the final play mats. I have some amazing parents helping to finish them on the weekend and this message is for you. If you would be able to send them back on Monday morning we will be able to get photos of them and they can be included in the book. If you haven't finished them don't worry because we will finish them at school.

Thank you so much for your support - it has been incredible.

From Shana

I would like to let all parents know that Tuesday 10th December will be my last day at Princes Hill Primary School. I have loved every minute of being a part of this wonderful community and am very sad to be leaving. The school I will be working at next year is the one my children attend and so I am making a lifestyle decision. On Wednesday I am leaving for South Africa, where I will be spending time with my family over the Christmas break. I am therefore taking a weeks long service leave. I want to thank all parents and children for making my stay at Princes Hill so enjoyable and wish everyone all the best for the future.

Have a wonderful break and joyous and successful new year.



Wednesday, 4 December 2013

IMPORTANT: Our Move Back To The Red Brick Building

We have moved back to the Red Brick Building today and we will be there until the end of the year but we are now in the 2013 Year 2 rooms. This means that you will need to drop your children off at the Red Brick Building at the south end of the school. The teachers will be outside directing you as well.

Thank you

The Year One Team

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Tabloid Sports

We had four fun sessions of the Tabloid Sports Program this month. Students from Pres to Year 2 worked together to complete obstacles and participate in games. It was a great time for students to get to know each other and have fun.

Last Gardening Session

Hi everyone,

This Sunday will be our last gardening session for 2013, with a BBQ to celebrate our achievements this year.  The main task will be getting the dripper tube installed in the Neighbourhood Gardens so that they don’t need to be manually watered over Summer.  I think there are still a few gaps in the gardens so if anyone has visions of sunflowers, corn, basil or similar plants then this is the time to get them in.  The Passive Play area also has some weeds and elm suckers that need removing.  This area looks like it will receive some money next year to repair some of the decking and undertake planting to rejuvenate the area, so it would be good to get a start cleaning it up now and we can plant in early Autumn next year.
Start time around 10am.  BBQ at around midday.



Stitch and Socialise Part 2!

Last Thursday parents came to help stitch the soft toys we have been making. It was a big success as we completed most of the toys and had fun chatting at the same time.

We would love to invite parents again for a second session this Wednesday the 4th of December (sorry I'm busy Thursday) at 7:30pm at the Brunswick Sporting Club (opposite Barkly Square).You can contact Hilary or Vikki with any questions.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Year One Move Next Week

Dear Parents/Guardians of Year One students,
A decision was made for the relocation of neighbourhoods in the junior school to address the issues of space especially for the current Year one neighbourhood. There was also a desire to move the library more centrally and connect it with the junior school library.
In 2014 the Year two neighbourhood will be located in the current library complex.
In the week beginning Monday 2nd December, we will be beginning our relocation of the junior school neighbourhoods. Year one learning will be conducted on the gymnasium stage and aftercare area for the week, with children returning to their ‘new’ neighbourhood on the Friday. (This will be the current Year two neighbourhood)
We ask that children and parents support the move by clearing out their lockers this week, taking home any non-essential items. Teachers will manage the collection of any essential items for storage and relocation, including books, stationery etc.
The meeting point for drop-off in the morning and pick-up in afternoon during this week will be on the ramp at the back door of the stage. We ask that parents and children use this entry so as not to create confusion for the before and after school program.
Please feel welcome to contact me to discuss any areas requiring clarification.
Kerri Gibson
Acting Assistant Principal

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Parent Stitch and..Socialise Evening!

All parents are invited to help finish and stitch/ cut some of the year one toys. I have booked a room (called the Ladies Lounge) at the Brunswick Sporting Club (on Weston Street) opposite Barkly Square at 7:30pm on Thursday the 28th November. Dads are absolutely welcome to too! Please don't feel like you need to be good at sewing as there are other jobs too and it is also a good time to relax and socialize with each other.

Look forward to seeing you there!


Year One Assembly Presentation and Toy Exhibition

We would like to invite you all to the year one assemble presentation on the 10th of December at 9am and afterwards (from 2:30pm to 4pm) there will be an afternoon tea and exhibition of our learning and toy journey where we will be celebrating what we have achieved and saying goodbye to the toys we have made which will then be handed over and sent to the detention centres.

All families members are welcome! The exhibition will be held in the current year 2 area from 2:30pm to 4pm ( as we will have moved in there by then).

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Student Profiles

In order to further promote a sense of belonging among students and teachers at Princes Hill, we are introducing the development of student and teacher profiles. We are seeking to understand what has contributed to your child becoming the person your child is today?

Each child from Prep to Year 5 is asked to write their autobiography with the support of their parents.
Please ensure that the autobiographical information provided is suitable for sharing with the all the members of the neighbourhood. The teachers will read the published profiles to get to know the many aspects of their students and the students may share them with each other. The first step in helping students learn is to get a clear picture of who they are, both as a group and as individuals. The children will update this profile each year.

The children from Year 3 to Year 5 will upload the student profile template on to their laptops and are asked to complete their autobiographies with their families by the end of November. This activity will be included in your child’s learning agreement.

An autobiography includes information such as name, when you were born, where were you born, your parents name, background, languages spoken at home, interests and hobbies, trips, special events, possible aspirations.

The children in Years 3, 4, 5 who are not part of the laptop program and the Prep to Year 1 children are asked to write their autobiographies with their parents in a word document: font Tahoma, size 10, about half a page [up to 500 words]. Please email it to the school ( or your child’s home teacher by the end of November. It will be copied and pasted into the student profile template which has been specially designed.

Student Profiles Template

Here is a template for the Student template which you can download and use to guide you in how the profile is written and laid out. The guideline is as follows.

1. Office WORD document
2. A4 portrait
3. Insert 2 photos
4. Insert text ( Arial 10 pt, single spacing)

The template is for guidelines only and there is no need to submit student profiles in this format.

Any questions, please speak to Tomo or Rita.

profile pro forma

Sunday, 10 November 2013

City of Yarra Waste Information

Food Know How promo City of Yarra

Bazaar Helpers!

Dear Parents,
Just a reminder to check the rosters that are displayed in the neighbourhood for volunteering at the Bazaar. We still need more people to help with pack up / set up and snow cone stall helpers too. Your time will help make this annual event fun and easy for everyone involved.

Thank you

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Happenings this week!

Bazaar Donation Tubs

Donations for the School Bazaar are now being collected. Below are the baskets organised by parent reps so that you know what is needed.

There are also now sign up sheets in the neighbourhood to allocate parents to stalls during the Bazaar which will need filling up too. 

One last thing on the Bazaar - a yellow note has gone home with the youngest child and this will allow your child to pre-purchase tickets/fun passes for the Bazaar. If you did not get one can you please see one of your neighbourhood teachers.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Life Education

 The Life Education van will be visiting our school   between 18 and the 25th November.

Life Education is a provider of drug and health education to children. The program supports children with making healthy lifestyle choices.
The Life Education program assists children to achieve the following outcomes:
§  Acquire age appropriate knowledge to support informed health choices
§  Develop and practice skills and strategies to act upon individual decisions
§  Recognise the values and attitudes that may influence lifestyle choice and behaviour

There will be a parent information session on Tuesday 19th November between 9:30-10:00 for those who wish to learn more about the various programs the Life Education van has to offer.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Communications Working Party

Effective communication between primary schools and families has been shown to play a critical role in the achievement levels of students. The Princes Hill Primary School communications working party are developing an improved communication strategy for the school. The strategy is based around the principles of improved approachability, stronger family engagement, enhanced learning outcomes, and greater student involvement.

The Year 2 blog has been modified along the lines of these discussions and all parents and students are encouraged to explore the site and provide feedback on this format and any of the other forms of communication they receive from PHPS.

If you have some ideas about what we can do better as a school in communicating, talk to us.
Please send your comments to or if you would like to discuss this further contact me on 0413 012 177. Allison Kealy

Saturday, 26 October 2013

How you can help

Hello Parents,

We are almost ready to start making our toys and have finalised 3 groups based on what the student's were interested in.

Toy groups:


Soft Toys

Games/ Play Mats

In particular on Monday, Shana will be making felt with some students during learning agreement (9:30- 11) and it would be great to have a parent helper for this hands on activity.

The play mats group will also be using help and could use a hand cutting felt and sewing some details onto their mat.

We would also really appreciate any donations of felt or wool as these will help make our toys more detailed and colourful.

Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Donations wanted - felt and wood

The year one neighbourhood is gearing up to start making their toys. We are using the money we raised from the film festival to buy the materials but we can make more toys and more details if we have donations of felt and wood. We are using felt to make soft toys and play mats and the wood will be worked to make small toy vehicles.

If you have any felt, wood or toy stuffing at home we would love to hear from you. Please speak to one of the year one team before bringing it in so that we know if we can use it.

Thank you and we really appreciate your support!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Long - Lasting Toys

Today we had a discussion in the neighbourhood about 'what makes a good toy?' as we are deciding what to design and make. A few students mentioned toys that their parents had shown them from when they were little and ones that had lasted so long that were still good to play with.

If you have a 'long lasting toy that your child could bring in to share or take a photo of, that would really help us generate ideas as to how we can create this in designing our own toy as well as analyse why it was passed down.


The year one neighbourhood

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Curriculum days next week

Just a reminder that next Monday and Tuesday (14th and 15th) next week are pupil- free days so students will not be able to come to school.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Just a reminder that in Term 4 each student must wear a hat at lunch and recess. Please ensure that your child keeps a hat in their locker at school. If you need a new hat, Julie has some for sale at the office.

Expert Parent Helpers Meeting Tonight!

Hello parent helpers!
Just a reminder that the meeting for parents who are interested in sharing their skills to help our students create and design a toy is tonight. We will meet in our neighbourhood at 5:30pm. We look forward to sharing ideas with you then.

Thank you,

Tony, Mary, Shana and Hilary

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Plans for Term 4

20th September, 2013

Year One Neighbourhood

Plans for Term 4

Wow! What an amazing (and busy!) three terms we have had. We would like to take this opportunity to say thanks for all of the support offered from our wonderful parents and other family members. From swimming chaperones to reading support and guest speaking roles, we really value the time you have taken out of your busy lives to support the learning in the year one neighbourhood.

After the success of our film festival, conversations in the year one neighbourhood continue around how we might pass on our concepts of play with others. We want to build on the idea of sending some toys to children who are refugees by making some of our own, with a real focus on the research and design process. This is where we need help! We are planning on having a meeting of interested parents and family members who might have some skills (or an inclination!) for supporting small groups of children to design, test and create a range of handmade toys. We are quite open to the possibilities of this project and hope that you might be able to support in some way (design, knitting, woodwork, etc.).

We would like to have a meeting to share our ideas with yours on Wednesday the 2nd of October (the first Wednesday of term 4) at 5:30pm in the Year One neighbourhood. Please place your name on our noticeboard if you will be attending. If you have an interest in this project, but cannot attend please place your name on the list.

Thanks in advance, The Year One team.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Junior School Library New Borrowing System

Junior School Library – new borrowing system to begin in Week 9.

We now have the basis for a morning roster of parents/community members to scan in and out Junior School Library (JSL) books (mornings only to begin with). We will staff the Circulation Computers from around 8.45-9.00am each morning to start this new practice.

Please talk with your child(ren) regarding this new procedure and arrive a little earlier while we settle the new system in. There will be a “RETURNS” box for books to be scanned in. We need children to tell the Helpers their FIRST and FAMILY name when they are borrowing a book.

We would like to offer this returning/borrowing system in the afternoons from 3.25-3.40pm too. To do this we need to have more parents/community helpers trained up to assist with the roster. To offer yourself or a friend, please speak to a Prep, 1 or 2 N’hood teacher and/or email Mark at

Remember: the main library is open for borrowing Monday-Thursdays 8.50-9.00am. All children welcome.
Regards, Mark Riley

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Parent helpers for the next two weeks

Hello parents,

we would like to invite any parents to help during learning agreement time until the end of term. We will be asking parents to work with small groups of students to share some skills and work through a design process before constructing hand made toys. Learning Agreements on Wednesday- Friday mornings.

We also would still love any parents that would like to come early to read with a small group in the last hour on Thursdays.

Thank you,

The year one neighbourhood


Just what you have been waiting for.....the Film Festival DVD! Students have been preparing the DVD cover and blurb and we are now ready to collect orders from parents. An order sheet will be outside the year 1 neighbourhood until the end of the week. We will be selling the DVD for $5 which will include photos from the night and all the films. The students have decided to use the profits from the DVD to go towards researching and purchasing toys for other children that are refugees.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Premier's Reading Challenge Print Outs

Just a reminder for parents that each student's reading challenge list needs to be printed off and handed in to your neighbourhood teachers by Monday 9th September (signed by a parent as well).

These will then be forwarded to the coordinators who confirm challenge completion.

Thank you,

The Year One Neighbourhood

Parent Experts!

Thank you so much for parents who come in and  share their passion and skills with the neighbourhood. Last week Franz and Malcolm came in to explore music patterns and create a terrarium. Thank you!

Book Week Parade Photos

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Lost Property Notice

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will know, the Leadership Team (in consultation with staff and in line with the school Sustainability Policy) have agreed that the unclaimed lost property can be collected and donated to the Asylum Seeker centre.

The next clearance will be on Friday 30th August (in the morning), and from then on, it will be every second Friday so if your child has lost any UN-NAMED items, please ensure you check the lost property bin over in the foyer of the gym.

As has always been the practice prior to the lost property being donated (it used to be to Diabetes Australia), any NAMED clothing will be returned to the office and sent back to the child via the classroom teacher.

If families could please NAME THEIR CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, we will be able to return it.


Julie-anne Effemey
Administration Manager

Library volunteers

The Junior School requires regular parent/community helpers for 10-15 min each morning and evening to help Issue books to children and to scan the returns.

To find out more about the role please talk with a Prep, 1 or 2 Neighbourhood teacher.

Sunday, 18 August 2013


We had our first of six days of swimming sessions today and all went well. We think the children will sleep very well tonight - and so will the teachers! One reminder to try and ensure that your child wears their swimming gear underneath their clothes to school (Monday, Wed and Fri) and if you can also pack a plastic bag for them to put their wet swimmers in.

Thank you also to our wonderful parent helpers who made sure the changing was efficient.

The year one team

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Book Week Next Week 2013

The theme for Book Week this year is ‘Read across the Universe’. Book Week takes places between the 17th – 23rd August (Week 6). To celebrate the Prep-2 Neighbourhoods will be attending the performance Space Jump at school on Thursday 15th August and having a Book Week Parade and Book Sharing Day on Thursday 22nd August.

Book Week Parade and Sharing Day

Children are invited to dress up (next Thursday 22nd) as their favourite book character for the parade and to bring the book to share with other children in the junior school. Parents are welcome to come and watch the parade and join in with the shared reading. After lunch the children will be placed in mixed aged groups and take part in two workshops related to this year’s Short Listed Books for the Book of the Year.

Music Residency!

On Thursday 22nd August at 11.10, students are invited to join Nicola and Deb for a 4 week lunchtime Music Residency. Students will have the opportunity to develop a repertoire of songs over four Thursday lunch times and then perform these as a part of a choir at the final Assembly of the term. If you have students/children who are in interested in joining this choir, and that are prepared to commit to four Thursday lunch times from 11.10- 11.50, can you please remind them next Thursday to come to the stage in the gym for the first rehearsal and get together? This Music Residency is open to all students at all year levels at the school. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Julie or Hannah.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Parent reflections from our film festival

Dear parents,
We are putting up a cardboard wall outside our neighbourhood and we want to fill it with parent feedback to the students about their film. We invite you to use the paper post-its when you pick your child up or send a reflection to school with your child and we will display it for you. This will help the students feel pride in what they have achieved and see visibly the impact that they have had.

Thank you,
The year one neighbourhood.

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Thursday night last week, the year ones had a film festival which showcased three films they had made based on their three different experiences last term. The night was wonderful. All parents, students and teachers gathered together to celebrate the learning and hard work the students had achieved. Every one dressed up and made our premiere even more exciting and glamorous. A big thank you again to all the parents who helped in the process. We are planning on selling a DVD shortly which includes behind the scenes footage and photos from the night. In this slide show you will see us starting to prepare for that this week.

Swimming helpers

Hello Parents,
We are calling for more parent helpers to join us for our swimming sessions at the pool. The sessions start next week and run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (last day is the 30th).  The year ones are split into two sessions on those days (sessions 3 and 4).

Below are the times for each session.

Sess.  Leave School          Arrive back at School

3          11.15                             13.20 
4          12.10                             14.15

Can you please let one of the year one teachers know if you can attend a session mentioned above - to find out which session your child is attending you can check the note that went home or ask a year one teacher.

We will be going by bus to the Klim Swim centre at Richmond Football club and you are welcome to meet us at the pool if you can't come on the bus at school.

Thank you, your support is appreciated.

The year one team


Here is a little bit about the space jump play. It is on between 2:30-3:30 on Thursday in the Gym.

Celebrate the 2013 CBC theme READ ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!

What is going on with Claire and why is she acting so spaced out?! Everything she has been saying and doing since the day began just doesn’t add up. To make matters worse there are times when Jonno feels like everything that is going on has all happened before! How can it be that two friends who have known each other for so long suddenly feel like they’re worlds apart?

Our brand new musical for Book Week 2013 and its theme "Read Across The Universe" is an adventure of galactic proportions! Join Claire and Jonno as they discover that looking for things we have in common with others, rather than the differences, can create all kinds of opportunities and lead us towards new and exciting destinations! SPACE JUMP features a selection of the 2013 CBC Shortlisted books and engages students in the understanding that interacting with books and the products of our imagination offers limitless possibilities for expanding our horizons.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Dear Parents,
We are gearing up for our fabulous film festival night on Thursday night. We have to coffee cart for hot chocolates before the doors open at 6pm so you can buy a hot drink and view our displays. Also - the important matter of dress code...the whole year one neighbourhood is dressing formally for our movie premiere so we hope all parents will dress formally as well. A final reminder that there will only be light snacks before the film which a group of students have been making.

Look forward to seeing you all on the night!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Happenings Week 3 Term 3

Gardening Club Meeting

PHPS Gardening Club Committee Invites You…

A meeting of the Gardening Club will be held on Monday 5 August 5.00-6.00pm in the Meeting Room, new red brick building.
Please come along and support the Committee and our gardening plans. To receive the agenda and previous minutes in advance,
please contact the Convenor,
Charles Pinnuck e) <>

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Our Sustainable School

Maintaining PHPS 4 Star Sustainability Rating & Moving to 5 Stars!!
Our school has a strong history of working to have an environmentally sustainable learning community where biodiversity and waste minimisation are encouraged and valued. The school currently has a 4 Star rating with the Resource Smart Aussi Vic scheme. PHPS needs to demonstrate compliance with the scheme in order to maintain our rating when re-accreditation occurs in early 2014.

One of the tasks involves going through our school archives and copying the various energy, water, waste and paper bills. The data will be used to measure our consumption and to track how we are reducing our ecological footprint.

The Science and Sustainability Committee is seeking a volunteer to locate our various energy/waste bills from 2012. We expect this project might involve, more or less 5-6 hours.

To volunteer for the ‘Bills Project’, please contact Mark Riley (Library) or Alexandra Hilvert (34 N2). Or, email: Thanks

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Year 1 Film Festival Night!!!

We invite all parents to come to our Film Festival Evening!! Happening on Thursday the 8th August from 6pm to 7:30pm in the 5/6 viewing area (don't worry signs and students will guide you around the school from the year 1 neighbourhood).

This night will showcase 3 short films the students have been working on over the past few weeks. They are all very proud and we wanted to celebrate this with you. On the night we will also show you some behind the scenes footage and a group of students will be catering for the event and will provide some small snacks. 
We will also have a donation box which you can contribute a gold coin donation to our next project where the students will decide what charitable cause they would like to be a part of.

 We would love to see as many parents as possible and of course younger children can come too. Any questions - just ask any of the year 1 team. Hope to see you on the night.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Dear Parents,
We would like to invite you to come and share a book with a group of students. We will be starting this tradition in the library every Thursday at 2:30pm until 3:30 pm starting on the 1st of August.

In this time you will be sharing, reading, discussing and enjoying a book with a small group of children. You don't have to come every week - the neighbourhood would appreciate any time you have.

If you are interested you can just turn up to the neighbourhood on Thursday or talk to one of the year 1 team.

Thank you and we hope to see some of you then!

Potato Olympics Winners!

Responsible Kids Seminar Opportunity

NWVR 038–2013 Seminar: Responsible kids – at home and at school


Main points

·         Professor Ramon Lewis, from the La Trobe University Faculty of Education, is conducting a seminar exploring the use of different forms of power to gain responsible behaviour from children and to foster a sense of responsibility.

·         Professor Lewis has worked with many Victorian schools, especially in the former northern metropolitan region, and is well-known for his research and writing on child behaviour.

·         The seminar – in an interactive workshop format – is suited to parents, carers and educators (primary and secondary) and is a free event with limited places. Bookings are required.


·         Event details: Alumni Seminar: Responsible kids – at home and at school

Date: Thursday, 25 July 2013

Time: 6.00pm start followed by drinks and canapés at 7.30pm

Venue: Mezzanine Level/The Spring Street Conference Centre

Address: 1 Spring St., Melbourne (enter via Flinders Lane)

RSVP: by 19 July 2013 to

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Lost Brooch

This brooch was found today near the junior school library books and I thought I would put it up just in case a parent has lost it and not a student. If you recognise it you can see Hilary from the year 1 team.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Dear Parents,

Thank you for supporting your child in their reading toward the Premier's Reading Challenge. The final cutoff date for completing the required reading is Friday 30th August. When your child has completed the challenge, please ensure you have helped them enter all of their books online using their username and password.

IMPORTANT: The booklist then needs to be printed, with your child's name and homegroup and signed by a parent and returned to their teacher by Monday 9th September.

Once this has been returned, the books will be verified on the system by the coordinators and your child will receive their certificate when they are printed by PRC.

Please remember: Children in Prep-Two must read 30 books in total with at least 20 from the Challenge booklist; Years 3-6 must read 15 books with at least 10 from the Challenge booklist.

Thank you,
Simone Kentley (Year Two Neighbourhood)

Monday, 15 July 2013

Swimming notes to be returned tomorrow

Just to inform parents that swimming notes are due tomorrow and that if notes are not returned it will be assumed that students will not be participating in the intensive swimming program, as Julie has to finalise the bookings tomorrow. Extra notes were sent home to students who were away at the end of last term but if you have any questions you can see any of us tomorrow morning.

Thank you,

The year one team

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Intensive Swimming Program

This program will commence on Monday 19th August and will be on Mon/Wed/Fri each week until the last session on Fri 30th August (6 sessions total). As costs cannot be established until ALL Expression of Interest forms are returned, the deadline has been extended to Tuesday 16th July for the paperwork to be returned. If you have not returned your form by that date, we will assume your child will NOT BE participating. Unfortunately, no late bookings will be accepted.

Geoff Ratcliffe
Phys Ed

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Parent, teacher and student conferences next week

Next week we have our interview day on Thursday. We want to make sure that parents are aware that students will be expected to be present for the interviews. Students will be given the opportunity to share their learning with you and it will be a celebration of their achievements this year. We look forward to seeing you and your child next week.

Thank you,

The year one team.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Swimming notes

Intensive swimming permission forms have been handed out today and will need to be returned as soon as possible so that we can start organizing this program early. Also please make sure that you circle will/will not in order to confirm your permission. Let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

The year one team.

Student-Led Parent Teacher Interviews

Student- led parent teacher interviews are scheduled for next Thursday 27th June. To book in a time you will need to log in and book a 15 minute time slot on These will be held in the year one neighbourhood and run all day. There is aftercare available for this day but places are running out.
If you have any questions please ask your home group teacher.

Thank you,
The year one neighbourhood team

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Term 2 Week 7 Happenings!

Micheal Klim

We had a great talk from Michael Klim this morning in the hall. He spoke about setting small goals to achieve big ones and also how persistence really pays off. The students asked some great questions and had swimming on the brain for most of the day. This connects with what we are doing in maths - having Potato Olympics where each student has a potato 'athlete' that then competes in events.

Below is a drawing by Shaakir after seeing Micheal Klim. He wrote:

"Michael Klim was a great swimmer and he was first and I know how to do free style and I want to be in the Olympics. My potato can't swim in the Olympics because my potato is fat."

Our Learning Journal


We have started a 'Learning Journal' in the neighbourhood where students are contributing to each week. Our journal focuses on something in particular each student can truly be proud of learning that week. Some examples of entries include:

 "I learnt how to bend paper or cardboard to make a pop -up" -Tessa B

"I learned how to count by tens: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70..." Hafsa

"I learned that when you make an animation you need to keep the iPad still" -Allegra

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Recycling Room Donations

A group of teachers, the environments committee, is responsible for implementing the consistent use of spaces across the schools. One of our initiatives has been to set up a Recycling Room. This is where we store reusable items that the children use in their neighbourhoods in art and craft activities. We encourage our community to add to our collection by bringing in clean, unbranded items they think we can use. Examples include bread clips, wrapping paper, ribbon and plain cardboard boxes. These may include beautiful perfume boxes and interesting shaped boxes. We are also looking for industrial offcuts from manufacturing processes which are non toxic. If you are unsure whether something is suitable or not, please send me an e-mail (a photo attached would be great). Please leave all suitable items at the office for collection.

Shana Upiter

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Our Game Explanations

Book Club Advice

Our book club members have some advice for their peers on what books you MUST read!

Useful websites

 There are some links at the bottom of this blog that you can use to visit some useful internet resources. These are among them...

Library of Virtual Manipulatives – place value

Mathletics (use the password and username in the back of the reader’s notebook)

You Tube – great for viewing animations, anything of interest really

ABC reading eggs

ACMI – Australian Centre of the Moving Image (some short films to watch for kids)