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Year 1 Team


The year one team would like to welcome everyone joining our neighbourhood in 2013. We have all enjoyed meeting both parents and students this past week and feel very lucky with the community we are in.

The year one team is made up of four teachers this year: Shana, Mary, Tony and Hilary. Because we will be meeting many of you for the first time, we would like to share a bit about each of us.


This is the third year I will be teaching at Princes Hill Primary School. Prior to this I worked at Wooranna Park Primary School with Esme Capp. For the past two years at Princes Hill, I have been involved in setting up the learning neighbourhoods, alongside interior designer Mary Featherston. I am very excited to be in a teaching role this year, especially with grade 1 children. I have 3 children of my own, a 4 year old girl Lola, a 9 year old boy Kai and an 11 year old girl Ella. As I am sure you can tell, I was born in South Africa but have been living in Melbourne for the past 15 years. All my family still lives in South Africa, so overseas trips are very special to me!! 


This is my first year teaching after graduating from Melbourne University last year. I have a background in Fine Art Photography and Drawing, have had a year travelling overseas in between studies and volunteered for a number of charity projects. Now, it is very exciting for me to be working in a school that appreciates creativity and allows teachers to play to their strengths. I look forward to getting to know all of you so please say hello when you can.


I came to Princes Hill two years ago to be part of the progressive approach that was just established at the school. I had been teaching for five years (predominantly Years 5 and 6) at Canterbury Primary School. Since arriving at Princes Hill I have particularly enjoyed the challenge of working in a team environment which stimulates great learning for all in the community. This is my first year teaching in Year 1 which I am quite excited about. I have a real interest in maths and enjoy supporting really high level thinking which is engaging and relevant. I have two children, Austin who is 3 years old and Eliza who is one.  I bought a boat this year so expect to hear some stories that have come home from school about all the big fish Tony has caught……


Mary has worked at Princes Hill Primary for several years. Last year she began by working in the year one neighbourhood and then had a few months leave. She can speak Italian fluently and has a special passion for reading.

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