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We have started using claymation as part of our inquiry on play. After learning games from parents and seeing how people play in Princes Park, students are reflecting and recording this information. By applying the skills learned from our stop motion workshops, students now are using modelling clay to create short films with the ipads.

Ana, Allegra and Hilary recreated the "Hello, hello, hello Sir" game where you use a tennis ball inside a stocking and hit it against the wall behind you as you chant the rhyme.

 Max Rose created the Atari video game played by a frustrated character.

Tessa V. B. recreates a person and a dog playing fetch.

Tama recreates sand pit play at Princes Park.

Catrina used modelling clay to record the game Shana taught us where you clap in between bouncing a ball on a wall.

Esther created a scene from our Princes Park walk.

Lexie showed people playing elastics and a ball game from Parent Games Day.

Sebastian made a claymation to show the skipping games we learned about with parents.

Milla and Vittoria recreated Princes Park in this claymation.

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