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Tuesday 10 December 2013


Dear Parents/Carers

The Whole School Transition program for 2014 commenced today with a visit by all children to acquaint themselves with their 2014 neighbourhood spaces.

Tomorrow and Monday, the children will be moving to their 2014 Neighbourhood spaces at 2:30pm and will be dismissed from that new neighbourhood at the following meeting points.

                Year 1 – The front door on Pigdon Street
                Year 2 – The Library (which is now the Year 2 Learning Neighbourhood)

                Year 3/4 – Neighbourhood 1 on the oval side nearest the Gym … Neighbourhood 2 – on the oval side, half way down the building

                Year 5/6 – from the 5/6 Gallery at the end of the Admin building

The teachers for 2014 are:
                Prep – Jessica Birchall, Maddy Yardy, Hilary Green and Elizabeth Higham

                Year 1 – Rita Jokubaitis, Simone Kently and Luisa Zanin

                Year 2 – Kevin Siemonek, Sia Vadiakas and Elizabeth O’Leary

                Year 3/4 Nieghboourhood 1 – Tomohiko Harada, Nic Carman, Mary Guebala/Janette Allen

                Year 3/4 Neighbourhood 2 – Keith McNeill and Alexandra Hilvert

                Year 5/6 – Tim Aris, Meredith Flanner, Robert Vandahl, Kate Braun & Natasha Bates

Your child’s home group teacher will be attached to their report to be sent home on Monday.

Please make yourself known to the teachers in your child’s 2014 Neighbourhood when you pick up your child tomorrow or Monday. (Please note, some of the new staff may not be available for one/both of these dates)

Thank you

Rita Jokubaitis
Transitions and Pathways

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