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Sunday 1 December 2013

Last Gardening Session

Hi everyone,

This Sunday will be our last gardening session for 2013, with a BBQ to celebrate our achievements this year.  The main task will be getting the dripper tube installed in the Neighbourhood Gardens so that they don’t need to be manually watered over Summer.  I think there are still a few gaps in the gardens so if anyone has visions of sunflowers, corn, basil or similar plants then this is the time to get them in.  The Passive Play area also has some weeds and elm suckers that need removing.  This area looks like it will receive some money next year to repair some of the decking and undertake planting to rejuvenate the area, so it would be good to get a start cleaning it up now and we can plant in early Autumn next year.
Start time around 10am.  BBQ at around midday.



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