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Thursday, 19 December 2013

A Big Thank You!

To all the families of the Year One Neighbourhood,

We would like to sincerely thank you all for your contributions, kindness and effort this year. We have simply had a wonderful year but we could not have made it so special without you. You have helped us create a learning community that extends outside the school and allows all of the children to see how much they can really have an impact on the world. Teaching and learning with this neighbourhood of children has been an absolute pleasure and an unforgettable experience.

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday as well as all the very best for the future.

 Congratulations Year 1 Neighbourhood!


Dear Families,
As the year draws to an end we just wanted to remind all families that there will be a final assembly in the gym tomorrow at 1:30pm.  We will farewell our Year 6 graduands and also a number of other children and their families who are leaving the Princes Hill Community.

Assembly will conclude at 2:00pm and the children will be dismissed for the year.

The final Talking Point will be sent tomorrow so keep an eye out for it.  It will have the 2014 start dates, together with notification that there is a Curriculum Day (Student free day) on Tuesday 24th February.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Whole School Picnic Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that the whole school picnic is on tomorrow. At 11:15am we will all be walking to Princes Park where we will picnic, mingle and play until 2:30pm. It is a great chance for children and parents to gather together and celebrate the year we have had. Parents are welcome to bring food to share as well.

We suggest children are reminded to bring hats, wear sunscreen and bring a drink bottle to school. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Dear Parents/Carers,
As Teresa has put together a very special book which tells the story of our Toy Project, we will have to put in the order tomorrow so that the books can be made in time. The cost is $10 and we ask that you bring this in tomorrow and give it to one of your neighbourhood teachers. It is a great way to remember what the neighbourhood has achieved so we would hate people to miss out.

Thank you,

The Year One Team

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Dear Parents/Carers

The Whole School Transition program for 2014 commenced today with a visit by all children to acquaint themselves with their 2014 neighbourhood spaces.

Tomorrow and Monday, the children will be moving to their 2014 Neighbourhood spaces at 2:30pm and will be dismissed from that new neighbourhood at the following meeting points.

                Year 1 – The front door on Pigdon Street
                Year 2 – The Library (which is now the Year 2 Learning Neighbourhood)

                Year 3/4 – Neighbourhood 1 on the oval side nearest the Gym … Neighbourhood 2 – on the oval side, half way down the building

                Year 5/6 – from the 5/6 Gallery at the end of the Admin building

The teachers for 2014 are:
                Prep – Jessica Birchall, Maddy Yardy, Hilary Green and Elizabeth Higham

                Year 1 – Rita Jokubaitis, Simone Kently and Luisa Zanin

                Year 2 – Kevin Siemonek, Sia Vadiakas and Elizabeth O’Leary

                Year 3/4 Nieghboourhood 1 – Tomohiko Harada, Nic Carman, Mary Guebala/Janette Allen

                Year 3/4 Neighbourhood 2 – Keith McNeill and Alexandra Hilvert

                Year 5/6 – Tim Aris, Meredith Flanner, Robert Vandahl, Kate Braun & Natasha Bates

Your child’s home group teacher will be attached to their report to be sent home on Monday.

Please make yourself known to the teachers in your child’s 2014 Neighbourhood when you pick up your child tomorrow or Monday. (Please note, some of the new staff may not be available for one/both of these dates)

Thank you

Rita Jokubaitis
Transitions and Pathways

Monday, 9 December 2013

Wednesday Pick Up

Dear Parents,

There are a few transition sessions that will be happening over the next week in order for students to get to know their new neighbourhoods for 2014. This Wednesday the year ones will finish the day in the year 2 neighbourhood (the old library) from 2.30 pm to 3:30pm. This will mean you will collect your children from the mini oval near the old year one meeting area at the end of that day.

Year One Assembly Tomorrow

Dear parents/ guardians,
Just a reminder that the year one neighbourhood has their assembly presentation tomorrow 9am - 9:30am in the gym and also their celebration in their neighbourhood from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. It will be an amazing time to view all the toys and see what we have achieved as a community.  You are welcome to also bring a healthy snack if you can.We look forward to seeing you all there!

The Year One Neighbourhood

Thursday, 5 December 2013

NOTICE: Play mats

As we have some parents generously putting together a professional book and photos of our toy project, we realized we really need to get photos of the final play mats. I have some amazing parents helping to finish them on the weekend and this message is for you. If you would be able to send them back on Monday morning we will be able to get photos of them and they can be included in the book. If you haven't finished them don't worry because we will finish them at school.

Thank you so much for your support - it has been incredible.

From Shana

I would like to let all parents know that Tuesday 10th December will be my last day at Princes Hill Primary School. I have loved every minute of being a part of this wonderful community and am very sad to be leaving. The school I will be working at next year is the one my children attend and so I am making a lifestyle decision. On Wednesday I am leaving for South Africa, where I will be spending time with my family over the Christmas break. I am therefore taking a weeks long service leave. I want to thank all parents and children for making my stay at Princes Hill so enjoyable and wish everyone all the best for the future.

Have a wonderful break and joyous and successful new year.



Wednesday, 4 December 2013

IMPORTANT: Our Move Back To The Red Brick Building

We have moved back to the Red Brick Building today and we will be there until the end of the year but we are now in the 2013 Year 2 rooms. This means that you will need to drop your children off at the Red Brick Building at the south end of the school. The teachers will be outside directing you as well.

Thank you

The Year One Team

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Tabloid Sports

We had four fun sessions of the Tabloid Sports Program this month. Students from Pres to Year 2 worked together to complete obstacles and participate in games. It was a great time for students to get to know each other and have fun.

Last Gardening Session

Hi everyone,

This Sunday will be our last gardening session for 2013, with a BBQ to celebrate our achievements this year.  The main task will be getting the dripper tube installed in the Neighbourhood Gardens so that they don’t need to be manually watered over Summer.  I think there are still a few gaps in the gardens so if anyone has visions of sunflowers, corn, basil or similar plants then this is the time to get them in.  The Passive Play area also has some weeds and elm suckers that need removing.  This area looks like it will receive some money next year to repair some of the decking and undertake planting to rejuvenate the area, so it would be good to get a start cleaning it up now and we can plant in early Autumn next year.
Start time around 10am.  BBQ at around midday.



Stitch and Socialise Part 2!

Last Thursday parents came to help stitch the soft toys we have been making. It was a big success as we completed most of the toys and had fun chatting at the same time.

We would love to invite parents again for a second session this Wednesday the 4th of December (sorry I'm busy Thursday) at 7:30pm at the Brunswick Sporting Club (opposite Barkly Square).You can contact Hilary or Vikki with any questions.