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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Happenings Week 3 Term 3

Gardening Club Meeting

PHPS Gardening Club Committee Invites You…

A meeting of the Gardening Club will be held on Monday 5 August 5.00-6.00pm in the Meeting Room, new red brick building.
Please come along and support the Committee and our gardening plans. To receive the agenda and previous minutes in advance,
please contact the Convenor,
Charles Pinnuck e) <>

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Our Sustainable School

Maintaining PHPS 4 Star Sustainability Rating & Moving to 5 Stars!!
Our school has a strong history of working to have an environmentally sustainable learning community where biodiversity and waste minimisation are encouraged and valued. The school currently has a 4 Star rating with the Resource Smart Aussi Vic scheme. PHPS needs to demonstrate compliance with the scheme in order to maintain our rating when re-accreditation occurs in early 2014.

One of the tasks involves going through our school archives and copying the various energy, water, waste and paper bills. The data will be used to measure our consumption and to track how we are reducing our ecological footprint.

The Science and Sustainability Committee is seeking a volunteer to locate our various energy/waste bills from 2012. We expect this project might involve, more or less 5-6 hours.

To volunteer for the ‘Bills Project’, please contact Mark Riley (Library) or Alexandra Hilvert (34 N2). Or, email: Thanks

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Year 1 Film Festival Night!!!

We invite all parents to come to our Film Festival Evening!! Happening on Thursday the 8th August from 6pm to 7:30pm in the 5/6 viewing area (don't worry signs and students will guide you around the school from the year 1 neighbourhood).

This night will showcase 3 short films the students have been working on over the past few weeks. They are all very proud and we wanted to celebrate this with you. On the night we will also show you some behind the scenes footage and a group of students will be catering for the event and will provide some small snacks. 
We will also have a donation box which you can contribute a gold coin donation to our next project where the students will decide what charitable cause they would like to be a part of.

 We would love to see as many parents as possible and of course younger children can come too. Any questions - just ask any of the year 1 team. Hope to see you on the night.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Dear Parents,
We would like to invite you to come and share a book with a group of students. We will be starting this tradition in the library every Thursday at 2:30pm until 3:30 pm starting on the 1st of August.

In this time you will be sharing, reading, discussing and enjoying a book with a small group of children. You don't have to come every week - the neighbourhood would appreciate any time you have.

If you are interested you can just turn up to the neighbourhood on Thursday or talk to one of the year 1 team.

Thank you and we hope to see some of you then!

Potato Olympics Winners!

Responsible Kids Seminar Opportunity

NWVR 038–2013 Seminar: Responsible kids – at home and at school


Main points

·         Professor Ramon Lewis, from the La Trobe University Faculty of Education, is conducting a seminar exploring the use of different forms of power to gain responsible behaviour from children and to foster a sense of responsibility.

·         Professor Lewis has worked with many Victorian schools, especially in the former northern metropolitan region, and is well-known for his research and writing on child behaviour.

·         The seminar – in an interactive workshop format – is suited to parents, carers and educators (primary and secondary) and is a free event with limited places. Bookings are required.


·         Event details: Alumni Seminar: Responsible kids – at home and at school

Date: Thursday, 25 July 2013

Time: 6.00pm start followed by drinks and canapés at 7.30pm

Venue: Mezzanine Level/The Spring Street Conference Centre

Address: 1 Spring St., Melbourne (enter via Flinders Lane)

RSVP: by 19 July 2013 to

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Lost Brooch

This brooch was found today near the junior school library books and I thought I would put it up just in case a parent has lost it and not a student. If you recognise it you can see Hilary from the year 1 team.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Dear Parents,

Thank you for supporting your child in their reading toward the Premier's Reading Challenge. The final cutoff date for completing the required reading is Friday 30th August. When your child has completed the challenge, please ensure you have helped them enter all of their books online using their username and password.

IMPORTANT: The booklist then needs to be printed, with your child's name and homegroup and signed by a parent and returned to their teacher by Monday 9th September.

Once this has been returned, the books will be verified on the system by the coordinators and your child will receive their certificate when they are printed by PRC.

Please remember: Children in Prep-Two must read 30 books in total with at least 20 from the Challenge booklist; Years 3-6 must read 15 books with at least 10 from the Challenge booklist.

Thank you,
Simone Kentley (Year Two Neighbourhood)

Monday, 15 July 2013

Swimming notes to be returned tomorrow

Just to inform parents that swimming notes are due tomorrow and that if notes are not returned it will be assumed that students will not be participating in the intensive swimming program, as Julie has to finalise the bookings tomorrow. Extra notes were sent home to students who were away at the end of last term but if you have any questions you can see any of us tomorrow morning.

Thank you,

The year one team