A group of teachers, the environments committee, is responsible for implementing the consistent use of spaces across the schools. One of our initiatives has been to set up a Recycling Room. This is where we store reusable items that the children use in their neighbourhoods in art and craft activities. We encourage our community to add to our collection by bringing in clean, unbranded items they think we can use. Examples include bread clips, wrapping paper, ribbon and plain cardboard boxes. These may include beautiful perfume boxes and interesting shaped boxes. We are also looking for industrial offcuts from manufacturing processes which are non toxic. If you are unsure whether something is suitable or not, please send me an e-mail (a photo attached would be great). Please leave all suitable items at the office for collection.
Shana Upiter
Link to your email
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Useful websites
There are some links at the bottom of this blog that you can use to visit some useful internet resources. These are among them...
Library of Virtual Manipulatives – place
Mathletics (use the password and username
in the back of the reader’s notebook)
You Tube – great for viewing animations,
anything of interest really
ABC reading eggs
ACMI – Australian Centre of the Moving
Image (some short films to watch for kids)
Some useful iPad apps to use at home:
ShowMe or Explain Everything
This has been shown to the year 1s at
school and allows them to write stories/ explain anything using drawing tools,
photos and audio recording.
Tracer –
For practicing handwriting
ABC Phonics
Helps handwriting and spelling
For creating storybooks
To animate drawings!
Motion / Lego
movie / Imotion
The students have been using this at school
and have made animations using Lego, clay, drawings and other toys.
Value MAB –
For identifying numbers and using place
Useful to look at numbers from 0 to 100 and
For spelling and letter recognition
Some reading apps
Story Read along – and other childrens books in the
app store
Can mix animations and real life
A map/globe of the world!!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Boomerang made by Eva
This very delicately decorated boomerang was made Eva. It was made with July McKinty who came to visit us from the Melbourne Museum and share with a group what games indigenous people played in history. The students got to make their own actual working toys and share them with the rest of the neighbourhood.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Walk Safe to School Day
On Friday 24th of May is Walk Safely to School Day. We would encourage Year 5/6 students to walk part /or all of the way to school or to ride their bike to school on this day.
• Is an annual event held in Primary Schools around Australia and is on Friday May 24th.
• Asks parents and carers to walk their primary school aged children all or part of the way to school. Those who can’t walk the whole way are asked to combine a walk with public transport or to park the car a good distance away from the school and walk the rest of the way.
• Encourages regular physical activity because active kids are healthy kids!
• Helps to reduce hazardous traffic congestion in and around schools, creating pedestrian-safe areas for children entering or leaving school.
• Is a way parents, teachers, carers and students can help ease global warming and climate change, as they reduce car-dependency.
• Teaches children healthy lifestyle habits from a young age as they learn that walking is the best form of exercise. It’s easy, free and almost anyone can do it at anytime. And these habits tend to last a lifetime.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Premier's Reading Challenge username and passwords
The Premier's Reading Challenge passwords and usernames will be given out tomorrow (Wednesday). These are to be kept at home for parents to log their child's reading progress online.
The following link will take you straight to the login page:
The following link will take you straight to the login page:
School Bazaar!
To all school community,
Our Bazaar is an event in the schools calendar that the entire school community embraces and looks forward to.
Our biggest fundraiser and community event it draws together our school community in a fun and rewarding way.
This year the opportunity exists for 2 people to step up/volunteer into the role of Bazaar Coordinator.
Leading a well established, organised and proactive Bazaar committee you will help coordinate the running of our very successful Bazaar.
You will make lasting friendships, have lots of fun and see first hand the wonderful talents and skills of Princes Hill.
Most of all you will help keep a tradition going that started nearly 100 years ago.
If you are interested in finding out more about the role please contact Michelle Board on 0404 865 320 or Keith McNeill at school.
Keith McNeill
Convenor, Community Relations Sub-committee
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
MSO Excursion Today
The year ones enjoyed a beautiful day today at our excursion to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. After lunch at Alexandra Gardens, we saw the MSO accompanied by Michael Curry reading the story 'The Happiness Box'. The students were made aware of the instruments in an orchestra as well as how different melodies suit different characters and emotions.
We would like to especially thank our parent helpers Anna, Guiliana, Bern, Vicki and Rosemary for coming with us and helping ensure the safety of all students as we crossed roads and found our way through the city. Thank you and we really appreciate your time!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Premier's Reading Challenge!
We hope that your child has come home this afternoon telling you how excited they are to commence THE PREMIER'S READING CHALLENGE.
Start reading now! The challenge is 30 books, 20 of which must come from the reading list provided on the website. September 12th is the cutoff date which is heaps of time plus you have the school holidays to laze about and read.
Have a look on the website for frequently asked questions and we will be posting more specific information on this blog very soon.
Monday, 6 May 2013
MSO Excursion tomorrow!
We are going on our excursion to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra tomorrow!
We leave at 11am and are having lunch in the park so we ask that students please put lunch in a labelled disposable bag (label eg: Hilary G, 1H. That way we will easily be able to transport all the lunches and enjoy a happy picnic.
We leave at 11am and are having lunch in the park so we ask that students please put lunch in a labelled disposable bag (label eg: Hilary G, 1H. That way we will easily be able to transport all the lunches and enjoy a happy picnic.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
The Library borrowing will now happen from 8.50 am to 9 am before class!
We want students to enjoy reading most of all. By borrowing at these times we want to encourage all students to borrow from the library as well as using the take home readers in the Junior school library.
Students should be borrowing a new library book at least once a week unless it is a chapter book.
Also keep in mind that loan periods are for 14 days only but children may renew a loan. Mark or Pat will be supervising the borrowing process.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to approach one of the year one team or comment on this blog post.
Parent Helpers Needed for the main PHPS Library and the Junior School Library (old red brick building)
Can you spare 15 minutes once a week? We need helpers to organise, order and sort our library shelves to
keep them in good order for students to locate materials. 15 minutes a week makes all the difference!
Contact Mark Tuesdays and Wednesdays or let a Home Group Teacher know you are interested.
Thank you!
Tony, Shana, Mary and Hilary
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