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Thursday, 21 March 2013
After our two wonderful experiences this week which helped us to find out about how people play in the community and when they were kids, we have started to reflect in different ways. Claymation is being used to reflect and record what games students learned. Below is a claymation Ana and I made to reflect on seeing Giuliana's 'Hello, hello, hello sir' stocking game at Parent Games Day on
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Our Inquiry at Princes Park
The neighbourhood walked to Princes Park on Tuesday and found out how people in the community play. We ran into jugglers, hula hoopers, bowlers, walkers, runners, dogs, picnic-ers, people relaxing, cyclists, people listening to music and more.
A BIG THANK YOU TO PARENTS! Your participation meant that students were able to discover what games were played in the past and enjoy them once again. The morning was such a success and it was wonderful to see students so engaged and learning from parents.
Be informed via emails
At the top of the blog there is an option to subscribe to our mailing list which will allow you to receive emails when notices are placed on the blog. This will improve communication between school and home and will make notifications easier and quicker to send all parent/caregivers. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask one of the year 1 team.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Assembly Tomorrow
Just to let you know 1H has been asked to perform at assembly tomorrow morning as part of Anna Maria's Italian presentation. Apologies for the late notice.
Earth Hour
When? 23 March 8.00pm
This program started in Australia and went global. It’s a small but significant way to engage students and the community in exploring ways to respond to consumption patterns, energy choices, and more. To find out more, resources, etc. go to:
This program started in Australia and went global. It’s a small but significant way to engage students and the community in exploring ways to respond to consumption patterns, energy choices, and more. To find out more, resources, etc. go to:
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Would you like to walk to Princes Park with us?
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Parent Helpers For Reading
We are calling for parent helpers to read with individual children each morning. This will start on Thursday next week. If you are available at any time from 9:30 am to 11am any day can you please approach one of the teachers and we can start to organise a parent helper list for reading.
Thank you,
From all the year one team.
We would like to invite parents to share a favourite game with the students on Wednesday the 20th March between 9am and 11am .
The game can be from your childhood, your travels or a game you play at home eg. Knuckles, elastics…
If you are interested, please fill out the sheet on the front of the year one neighbourhood so that we know who is coming and what game you will be sharing.
We all look forward to learning the games that parents have played and inquiring into how our wider community’s culture of play.
Oxford Wordlists
Oxford Word lists will be now coming home in student reading pockets. The list is a compilation of the most commonly used words in children's writing. These lists can be used to help students spell when writing about the book they read. They can also be used for practicing spelling those words. Don't hesitate to ask any questions via a comment on this post or approaching a teacher.
Thank you,
The year one team.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Assembly Video
This video was shown at Assembly this week to show the learning that has been happening in our inquiry.
Research Project on Assessment
The letter outlines the project, Assessment beyond borders: Potentive assessment in Primary School.The project is looking at varied ways to assess children both at school and at home. There are already a number of students and teachers across the school involved in the project.
It also includes consent forms for you to fill out and return to school as soon as possible.
We would REALLY appreciate your support in this research project, so please look out for the letter and return ASAP if you are interested.
Thanks a lot
The Year One team.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Monday, 4 March 2013
School photos
Year 1 school photographs will be taking place tomorrow from 9 am until 10 am. If you have not returned your payment or form you can bring it tomorrow or don't hesitate to discuss with a teacher what you need to do. Your child will come to school as normal and we will organise them to have their photo taken at the right time.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Looking at play with boxes
This week, students were constructing, imagining, sharing and creating using boxes. As part of their inquiry, they are looking into how they play as a neighbourhood and the simlarities and differences between how they play and what they play. This group photo shows the whole neighbourhood together with their box construction.
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