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Tuesday 26 November 2013

Year One Move Next Week

Dear Parents/Guardians of Year One students,
A decision was made for the relocation of neighbourhoods in the junior school to address the issues of space especially for the current Year one neighbourhood. There was also a desire to move the library more centrally and connect it with the junior school library.
In 2014 the Year two neighbourhood will be located in the current library complex.
In the week beginning Monday 2nd December, we will be beginning our relocation of the junior school neighbourhoods. Year one learning will be conducted on the gymnasium stage and aftercare area for the week, with children returning to their ‘new’ neighbourhood on the Friday. (This will be the current Year two neighbourhood)
We ask that children and parents support the move by clearing out their lockers this week, taking home any non-essential items. Teachers will manage the collection of any essential items for storage and relocation, including books, stationery etc.
The meeting point for drop-off in the morning and pick-up in afternoon during this week will be on the ramp at the back door of the stage. We ask that parents and children use this entry so as not to create confusion for the before and after school program.
Please feel welcome to contact me to discuss any areas requiring clarification.
Kerri Gibson
Acting Assistant Principal

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