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Sunday 11 August 2013

Swimming helpers

Hello Parents,
We are calling for more parent helpers to join us for our swimming sessions at the pool. The sessions start next week and run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (last day is the 30th).  The year ones are split into two sessions on those days (sessions 3 and 4).

Below are the times for each session.

Sess.  Leave School          Arrive back at School

3          11.15                             13.20 
4          12.10                             14.15

Can you please let one of the year one teachers know if you can attend a session mentioned above - to find out which session your child is attending you can check the note that went home or ask a year one teacher.

We will be going by bus to the Klim Swim centre at Richmond Football club and you are welcome to meet us at the pool if you can't come on the bus at school.

Thank you, your support is appreciated.

The year one team

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