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Thursday 25 April 2013

Explain a Game!

As part of our inquiry on play, we are now looking at how we learn games and how to teach others games. All the students have been asked to bring in a game this week or think of a game they have made up or perhaps a game that not everybody knows. The purpose of bringing in the games is so that we can start a collection of their games and display them at school until we have a games day where the students can share playing the game with others. We don't want any games too valuable to be brought to school as they will be on display for two weeks.

The students have begun writing about their game in procedural form and will be using this to help them present their game to a group next week. If you would like to help your child prepare for their presentation, you may choose to practice explaining the rules of the game with them, using a big voice and eye contact.

Any questions about this please see any of the team.

Thank you,

Hilary, Shana, Tony and Mary

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