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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Happenings this week!

Bazaar Donation Tubs

Donations for the School Bazaar are now being collected. Below are the baskets organised by parent reps so that you know what is needed.

There are also now sign up sheets in the neighbourhood to allocate parents to stalls during the Bazaar which will need filling up too. 

One last thing on the Bazaar - a yellow note has gone home with the youngest child and this will allow your child to pre-purchase tickets/fun passes for the Bazaar. If you did not get one can you please see one of your neighbourhood teachers.

Monday 28 October 2013

Life Education

 The Life Education van will be visiting our school   between 18 and the 25th November.

Life Education is a provider of drug and health education to children. The program supports children with making healthy lifestyle choices.
The Life Education program assists children to achieve the following outcomes:
§  Acquire age appropriate knowledge to support informed health choices
§  Develop and practice skills and strategies to act upon individual decisions
§  Recognise the values and attitudes that may influence lifestyle choice and behaviour

There will be a parent information session on Tuesday 19th November between 9:30-10:00 for those who wish to learn more about the various programs the Life Education van has to offer.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Communications Working Party

Effective communication between primary schools and families has been shown to play a critical role in the achievement levels of students. The Princes Hill Primary School communications working party are developing an improved communication strategy for the school. The strategy is based around the principles of improved approachability, stronger family engagement, enhanced learning outcomes, and greater student involvement.

The Year 2 blog has been modified along the lines of these discussions and all parents and students are encouraged to explore the site and provide feedback on this format and any of the other forms of communication they receive from PHPS.

If you have some ideas about what we can do better as a school in communicating, talk to us.
Please send your comments to or if you would like to discuss this further contact me on 0413 012 177. Allison Kealy

Saturday 26 October 2013

How you can help

Hello Parents,

We are almost ready to start making our toys and have finalised 3 groups based on what the student's were interested in.

Toy groups:


Soft Toys

Games/ Play Mats

In particular on Monday, Shana will be making felt with some students during learning agreement (9:30- 11) and it would be great to have a parent helper for this hands on activity.

The play mats group will also be using help and could use a hand cutting felt and sewing some details onto their mat.

We would also really appreciate any donations of felt or wool as these will help make our toys more detailed and colourful.

Thank you for your support.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Donations wanted - felt and wood

The year one neighbourhood is gearing up to start making their toys. We are using the money we raised from the film festival to buy the materials but we can make more toys and more details if we have donations of felt and wood. We are using felt to make soft toys and play mats and the wood will be worked to make small toy vehicles.

If you have any felt, wood or toy stuffing at home we would love to hear from you. Please speak to one of the year one team before bringing it in so that we know if we can use it.

Thank you and we really appreciate your support!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Long - Lasting Toys

Today we had a discussion in the neighbourhood about 'what makes a good toy?' as we are deciding what to design and make. A few students mentioned toys that their parents had shown them from when they were little and ones that had lasted so long that were still good to play with.

If you have a 'long lasting toy that your child could bring in to share or take a photo of, that would really help us generate ideas as to how we can create this in designing our own toy as well as analyse why it was passed down.


The year one neighbourhood

Thursday 10 October 2013

Curriculum days next week

Just a reminder that next Monday and Tuesday (14th and 15th) next week are pupil- free days so students will not be able to come to school.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Just a reminder that in Term 4 each student must wear a hat at lunch and recess. Please ensure that your child keeps a hat in their locker at school. If you need a new hat, Julie has some for sale at the office.

Expert Parent Helpers Meeting Tonight!

Hello parent helpers!
Just a reminder that the meeting for parents who are interested in sharing their skills to help our students create and design a toy is tonight. We will meet in our neighbourhood at 5:30pm. We look forward to sharing ideas with you then.

Thank you,

Tony, Mary, Shana and Hilary